One way to view my Chorography stated mission is to view Nature as a digital system that has two basic Information processing at work:
  • The unfolding of better ways to improve itself (evolution = profit);
  • A way to lower its entropy (stabilize its form).
My commitments aim to host both of these processes in a data clusters in support of an Intelligent Agent chief into Internet Interactive digital system and Internet Social Interactive Puzzle.

I am trying to extending "The Social Approach" into a superior system and stabilize it, so it is an asset into the coming future.

Paolo Pomponi, is an Internet Old-Entrepreneur, International Economist,  Mathematician, Astrophysics and Astrologer : Honored Member of the Royal Academy of the United nation, Department of Finance, Gold, Diamond, Green Energy, Telecom  and Computers my Clients,  Title holders, and Commodities owners, benefit from synergies across our spectrum of businesses, including alternative finance, commodities project management, corporate development,  commodity trading, business advisory, financing, M & A and restructuring activities. We have a culture and organizational structure that facilitates the appropriate sharing of insights and knowledge among all of our businesses, coupled with the ability to bring our full financial and intellectual resources to bear in creating compelling value

We make non-recourse funding available to:

• Federal governments
• State governments
• Local governments
• Indian Tribes
• NGO's
• 501(c)3's
• University and School Systems
• Hospitals and Research entities
• Infrastructure Projects
• Humanitarian Aid Programs
• Economic Development Projects
• Commercial Developments
• Corporations,
• High Net Worth Individuals,
• Green Projects
• Disaster Relief organizations
• and more!

Paolo Pomponi
Skype: pomponius-titus
email: paolo (.) pomponi (at) gmail (.) com